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Terms & Conditions

A legal disclaimer

Welcome to the India Chapter of IACT! As the India Chapter of IACT, we are dedicated to promoting healing modalities and creating a vibrant network of holistic practitioners. Our Terms & Conditions are designed to establish the legal relationship between the members and us. We encourage you to carefully review our Terms & Conditions to ensure a harmonious and respectful engagement within our holistic community.

Terms & Conditions for Members

  1. Members shall always conduct services in a professional manner whether in the professional setting of their office, in public or in other private settings.

  2. Members shall obey all national & state laws and regulations concerning the practice of the healing modality.

  3. Members are never to promise a cure for any condition or problem, nor give advice or otherwise pass comment on any medical, psychiatric, or psychological problem or condition unless they have training and qualifications in these fields.

  4. Members cannot use the IACT name or logo to advertise their services.

  5. IACT India chapter is not liable for any misconduct, misrepresentation or any other malpractice conducted by a member.

  6. Applicants and members are to inform the Association of any disciplinary action taken against them, pending or current by any other professional or judicial body that in any way could possibly reflect negatively on the member or the Association.

  7. Members will never use their position of trust to exploit the client emotionally, sexually, financially or in any other way whatsoever.

  8. Members will not permit considerations and/or bias of religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, disability, politics, or social standing to adversely influence services. As well members will never attempt to influence or impose their own personal views on any client. Where there is a potential for any of these situations to exist, it is the practitioner’s duty to refer the client to another suitable practitioner.

  9. Members are required to confirm, upon initial application, that they have never been convicted of a crime or any offence likely to bring their professional name or the reputation of the Association into disrepute and inform the Association, in writing, should such an event subsequently occur whilst a member of the Association.

  10. Members may not falsify documents for either themselves or others. This is strictly forbidden. Falsifying documents may result in revocation of membership.

  11. Upon request by the Association, the member will make available all relevant information requested as a result of any investigation by the Association without unreasonable delay.

  12. Members are required to report to the Association, any unethical behavior by any other member that can be substantiated.

Code of Ethics

This "Code of Ethics" provides a common set of values upon which members build their professional, educational, training, and scientific work and in accordance with the way they provide such services to members and non-members. The code is intended to provide the guiding principles to cover situations that may be encountered by members, customers, clients, and/or patients. It has as its primary goal the welfare and protection of the individuals and groups with whom members’ work. Members aspire to the highest possible standards of conduct, respect, and protection of human and civil rights.

Members shall maintain the highest standards of competence in their work. Members shall provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by education, training and experience and will provide a service to clients only in those areas in which they have trained and have demonstrated competence. They shall maintain knowledge of relevant scientific and professional information related to healing modalities and participate in the required levels of continuing education as provided separately from this document by the Association, and to keep up to date with innovations in their field. This may be through, on-site classroom training, online, or through approved CDs, DVDs etc.

Members will either decline servicing a client that involve areas where the member does not have adequate training for any given topic or the member can elect to refer a client on to another more suitable practitioner who is trained in that topic and who would reasonably be expected to offer suitable service whether or not that practitioner be a member of the Association.

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